
The Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA) is a non-governmental organisation established in 1999. It is one of the most effective organisations lobbying for the establishment of a relevant legal framework allowing for the development and operation of renewable energy sources, in particular wind energy, in Poland. PWEA is an association of the leading companies active on the wind energy market in Poland: investors, developers, turbine and component manufacturers, both from Poland and abroad. Association is supporting and promoting the development of wind energy, whose purpose, pursued through joint activity of its members, is to create advantageous conditions for investment in wind energy in Poland and to systematically increase the use of wind energy as a clean source of electricity.

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The Offshore Wind Energy Center at Gdansk Tech (CMEW) is university-wide, interdisciplinary research and technology deployment center focused on advancing the knowledge and technology related to offshore wind energy. It serves as a hub for academic institutions, industry partners, and governmental agencies to work together on research, innovation, and education initiatives in the offshore wind sector.

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The Maritime University of Szczecin is a public, technical university with a long-established tradition that dates back to 1947. Over the decades, the school supplied a few thousand, world-renowned officers for the merchant and fishing fleet. Meanwhile, the maritime school in Szczecin, changed its name a couple of times, settled (1962) in one of the best locations in the city – at Chrobry Embankment and since 1968, as Maritime School of Higher Education (Pol.: Wyższa Szkoła Morska) grew to become one of the major maritime schools in Europe. In 2004 the name of the school changed to Akademia Morska (Maritime Academy) which is the direct equivalent of a university in the generally accepted educational terminology. In Polish, “academy” is a term referring to an institution providing higher education, particularly in the uniformed or artistic professions. The recent development of our University in terms of facilities, staff competence and expanding number of courses provided, resulted in the Polish parliament’s decision to again upgrade the status of Maritime University of Szczecin. On 1st September 2022, the Polish name of the MUS was changed from “Akademia Morska” to “Politechnika Morska”. The word “politechnika” comes from ancient Greek – polýtechnos – and means proficient in many arts. In the Polish educational system, a higher education institution called “politechnika” corresponds to a university or institute of technology in the generally accepted educational terminology used in English-speaking countries. Our name in English though remains the Maritime University of Szczecin. We provide top-class education to 3000+ students (including 400 foreign students from 20 countries) within 16 BSc programmes (including 2 in English) and 11 MSc programmes (including 3 in English). MUS offers also 7 non-degree postgraduate programmes, and numerous vocational courses and trainings. We train maritime professionals including merchant, passenger and fishing fleet personnel (navigators, deck officers, mechanical and electrical engineers), as well as qualified on-shore operators and managers for shipowners and port service companies involved in maritime and inland shipping.

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